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Anti-Bullying Policy

Glenbrook Nursery School Anti-bullying Policy



Glenbrook Nursery aims to provide a high quality child centred education for all the children enrolled in school. This will be achieved through a broad and balanced curriculum with developmentally appropriate learning in which all children are encouraged to reach their full potential. This will all be achieved within our secure, happy, caring, stimulating and fun nursery environment.

The aims of our nursery are based upon the following ideologies:

· Childhood is a valid part of life and not merely a preparation for adulthood.

· Every child is an individual.

· Children should learn holistically.

· Children have the right to develop socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, linguistically and creatively.

· Children have the right to reach their full potential.

· Children should be given the opportunity to explore their environment using all of their senses.

· Play is the child’s work and all children should be given the opportunity to learn through their play.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of this nursery to provide all children with a wide variety of experiences and materials to encourage their all-round development and to reach their full potential.



It is the policy of this nursery to fulfil the following aims with respect to each individual child:

· To provide a secure environment in which each child can reach his or her full potential and develop at his or her own rate - socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, linguistically and creatively.

· To foster mutual respect, trust and understanding between Parents/Carers and members of the nursery staff in order to work together for the good of each individual child.

· To develop the child’s speech and language skills in the areas of – expressive language, receptive language, social communication/interaction, attention and listening through a language enriched nursery curriculum.

· To develop scientific, mathematical and creative skills through the materials, equipment and activities provided within the nursery.

· To work with Parents/Carers and extend upon and complement that which has been achieved at home.

· To acknowledge and build upon the previous educational experiences of those children who have attended other Preschool facilities or day nurseries.

· To work in partnership with Parents/Carers to help each child reach his/her full potential in their all-round development.

· To work with all other agencies who become involved with the children and provide information for their new Primary School thus enabling them to make a smooth transition to Primary 1.

· To fulfil the nursery curriculum in all 6 areas of their development:

§ Personal, Social and Emotional Development

§ Language Development

§ Early Maths Experiences

§ The Arts

§ Physical Development

§ The World Around Us


Through our aims we hope to:

· create a safe, happy and secure environment for all.

· to prevent, reduce and eradicate bullying in any form.

· to have a consistent approach for dealing with incidents of bullying.

· to ensure that all members of the school community are aware of this policy



The standards we hope to uphold at Glenbrook Nursery School include:

• All bullying is unacceptable

• The school recognises the harmful effects of bullying and will work hard to minimise the risks.

  • Bullied pupils and perpetrators will be treated and helped in the appropriate manner.



What is Bullying?

Bullying is behaviour that intentionally causes distress to others. Bullying may be defined as “behaviour by one or more pupils which produces damaging or hurtful effects, physically or emotionally to any individual”


Bullying is characterised by the intention to hurt, frighten or intimidate another person.


As with all forms of harm or abuse, there is no exhaustive list of signs or indicators to watch out for. But these can include: changes in children’s behaviour, demeanour, physical appearance and presentation, language or progress.

Bullying can take the following forms:


PHYSICAL pushing, kicking, hitting, threats


VERBAL name calling, persistent teasing, sarcasm, spreading rumours


EMOTIONAL exclusion from a group, ridicule, threatening looks and gestures


RACIST gestures, taunts


CYBERBULLYING the use of Information Communications Technology (ICT), particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone else.




Action to reduce bullying.

The school will use the following to maintain a serious effort to reduce bullying behaviour.

• A code of behaviour for pupils (Positive Behaviour Policy) including classroom management plan

• Agreed procedures for responding to incidents.

• Staff to monitor incidents.

• Procedures for logging incidents and contacting parents.

• Ensuring that all staff in school are familiar with and understand the policy and procedures.

• Periodically review training needs of all staff.

• Provide appropriate advice for both victims and perpetrators.


The Staff of Glenbrook Nursery School will:

· Take all reports of bullying seriously.

· Log all incidents.

· Communicate with all concerned, in line with procedures.

· Participate in training.

· Acknowledge appropriate behaviour.


Pupils will be taught and encouraged to:

· Report all incidents of bullying even if it does not involve them personally.

· Respect and support peers.

· Adhere to and promote the school’s positive behaviour policy

· Adhere to and promote the school’s anti-bullying policy

· Be aware that respect should be shown to all pupils and adults and that sanctions will be imposed if this is not adhered to.

Parents are asked and encouraged to:

· Promote good behaviour.

· Report any concerns or incidents to the school.

· Actively support the school’s behaviour and anti-bullying policies.

· Be responsible for their child’s behaviour out of school.


Monitoring and Evaluation

• In order to assess the effectiveness of this policy, the school will measure reported incidents over a given period of time.

• Through meetings staff will be asked their opinions on how they feel the policy is working and what changes could be made.

• Through curricular activities, it is hoped that staff will be able to measure more directly how it has affected our pupils.

• The use of a pupil and parent questionnaire will provide a means of consultation and assessment of impact.




• Parents should stress the importance of good social behaviour to their children.

• Report any concerns to the school.

• Actively support the school’s Anti- Bullying policy.

• Discuss with their child the importance of good behaviour in school.


What signs should parents look for?

If your child:

• Does not want to go to school.

• Has damaged or lost clothing or possessions.

• Is quieter than usual, withdrawn or distressed.

• Sleeps badly or cries at night.

• Stops eating.

• Has unexplained bruises.

Please inform the school.


What the school will do:


• The school will employ the most appropriate of a range of strategies e.g. the no blame approach, initially.

• The school will take the issue seriously and deal with the concerns.

• All events will be recorded in writing.

• Teachers will record discussions with both parties.

• Parents of the pupils involved will be contacted.

• The school needs time to investigate and will make an appointment to discuss their findings with you.




• Staff will have good communication with each other.

• Staff will have good communication with other non-teaching staff.

. • A “telling” ethos will be developed and encouraged.

• School rules will be as positive as possible.

• Responsible behaviour and preventative strategies will be discussed in class in curriculum areas such as Personal Social and Emotional Development and during circle time.

• Self-respect and self-esteem will be promoted at all times.


This policy will be regularly reviewed and amended, after consultation, when appropriate.
